A few days ago William John, James John, Levi John, Joseph B. Hawkley, and William H. Gibbs met at Brother Wm. H. Gibbs' home for the purpose of making arrangements to give Elder Thomas John a surprise and also to make him a present. It was decided to make him a present of a watch, which was to be given at a picnic dinner. In order to accomplish this it would be necessary to draw his attention from home a few hours.

As he and some others had been called to go and explore a quarry where some rock may be obtained to build the foundation for our meeting house, the morning of January 29, 1883, being his sixty-third birthday, was thought a suitable time to go and search a place where the rock may be had, thus it was a good time for a surprise party.

About 10:00 o'clock Monday morning Brother William John came along with a sleigh and they went north thinking perhaps rock could be found at the rocky point, north of Brother Ashton's, which they found to be the case.

Soon after they were gone, Brother William H. Gibbs and Joseph B. Hawkley with their families from Portage arrived, also James, Levi, and Henry with their families, and William's family all met at the residence of Father John. They all had their buckets, baskets, and pails heaped with the bounties of life, and with sparkling eyes, the little folks met, bent on having a good time.

When Father John returned, he was greatly surprised to see such a large crowd waiting there for him. He said he could not describe his feelings.

Three long tables were provided for the guests. Before taking their seats at the table, two songs were sung — "Come, Children, Come" and "In Our Lovely Deseret."

Father Thomas John arose and uttered the following words: "My children, sons, daughters, sons-in-law and daughters-in-law, of all the sights I have ever seen, nothing has ever pleased me so well as this."

Brother William John called them to order and asked Bishop Oliver C. Hoskins to say the blessing on the food.

Brother Joseph B. Hawkley sang "Come Let Us be Happy Tonight." Bishop told some jokes and they all enjoyed their meal.

Brother W. H. Gibbs, Joseph Hawkley and Bishop Hoskins waited on the tables. There were twenty-six children seated at one table. It was interesting to see the little folks enjoying themselves. Brother Hawkley shouting, "Who'll have pie or who'll have pudding." W. H. Gibbs was very busy attending to the wants of the little fellows.

Brother William John said he would try and add a few words. He hoped father would live to fulfill those promises pronounced upon his head. He asked the Lord to bless us all.

Joseph Hawkley said he had been in the family some 12 or 13 years and the counsel they had given was always good.

Sister Hoskins said she had felt well since she had come. She said she respected Father and that he had respected her.

James John sang "Oh, Don't You Remember" and "Sweet Alice Benbott."

William John said he had sent word to our sister Ann and her husband Edward W. Smith who said they could not come but he sent a toast which was given by William H. Gibbs.

Time was given to anyone who desired to speak. The tables were taken out and many arose and spoke.

Thomas John said this was a privilege he was thankful for. He thanked the Bishop and the ladies for the respect they showed to him. He said his mother died when he was 9 months old and his father used to say he did not like him as well as his other children. He said he did love his father. He advised those present to get married, provided they could find suitable partners.

In his patriarchal blessing, he was told that his children should arise and call him blessed of the Lord. He then invoked the blessings of the Lord upon his children, grandchildren, and all present.

Sister Jane John arose and said she thought as she had been married to him eleven years she did not think they could have shown greater respect than this. She said she knew Father was a kind and affectionate husband. She thanked all for their respects.

Margaret John arose and said she was thankful for the respect paid to her by the Bishop and all present.

Brother James John said he felt the spirit of the Lord and he could not describe the feeling when Father came into the house.

Sarah Ashton John spoke a few words. She spoke of the power of God, and said let us honor our father and mother. Prayed that God would bless them to be powerful instruments in the kingdom of God.

William H. Gibbs said many peculiar feelings had passed through his mind. He hoped we would be able to carry out the counsel Brother Thomas John had given. His heart had been filled with joy. He thanked the Bishop and his ladies for their kindness and for the presents they (Sister Hoskins) had presented to Mother and Aunt Jane. Bishop said he did not know anything about it until last night. He was thankful for Brother John and family and Brother John had always been obedient to counsel. If we are true to the covenants we have made, we will live through the endless ages of time. He spoke of the family circle, and of Adam calling his family together.

Song from Charles John ladies and Brother Hawkley.

All sang "Lord Dismiss Us."

Those present were the following:

Thomas John

Jane John

Margaret John

William John

Sarah A. John

Willie John

Margaret A. John

Sarah J. John

Mariah John

Robert John

Jared Curtis John

James John

Hannah John

Elizabeth John

Emily John

Harriet John

Angeline John

Margaret Sophronia

Mary Jane Hawkley

Joseph B. Hawkley

Margaret Hawkley

Dan T. Hawkley

William Hawkley

Levi Hawkley

Josephine John

Levi John

Elizabeth John

Thomas John

Lavina John

Rebecca John





Mary John





Minnie Isabelle


Sarah Emma

Henry Jenkins

Noah Rees

Willard Green

Bishop O.C. Hoskins

Pheby John

Agnes John

Dan John



Mary Elizabeth





Levi John

Ellen John



Henry John

Margaret R. John

Thomas P. John

Letitia John Gibbs

Wm. H. Gibbs

Julia A. Gibbs

Francis L. Gibbs

John Heaton

Maggie Rees

Sarah Jane John

Tommy John

Viny John

Becky John


Richard Hoskins

Lucinda Hoskins

Annie John

Lizzy John

First Reunion.pdf

Margaret & Thomas John and Children Histories

Compiled Histories, and Descendant Histories

Minutes & Records of the Organization