ARTICLE I – Organization Name
The name of this association shall be the Thomas & Margaret John Family Organization.
ARTICLE II – Purpose of Organization
The purpose of this association shall be to perpetuate the memory and genealogy of our ancestors and to strengthen the ties of fellowship and kinship between living members of the association.
ARTICLE III – Membership in the Organization
Any descendant of Thomas & Margaret John or anyone who has entered the family by marriage is eligible to membership in this association through compliance with the Articles herein noted.
The annual dues shall be $10.00 per family in attendance and shall be paid on or before the day of the Annual Reunion.
ARTICLE IV – Assembly of Organization
This association shall meet on the third Saturday in June each year at a place chosen by the President after taking into consideration the wishes of the group. However, if the third Saturday of June is inconvenient for any reason, it shall be held the following Saturday or the Saturday considered most practical by the President.
ARTICLE V – Officers, Elections and Amendments
Section 1. The officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Genealogist, Historian, Family Line Representatives, Technology Administrator, and assistants or committee members as deemed necessary.
Section 2. The term of Officers and Committee Members of this Association shall be prescribed in the Bylaws.
Section 3. The election of Officers and Committee Members shall be held at the Annual Meeting by a simple majority vote.
Section 4. This constitution and the bylaws may be amended at the annual business meeting (held in conjunction with the annual family reunion) by a simple majority vote. All family members who are 14 years of age or older and who are present at the business meeting may vote. Family members who are present at the reunion but not able to attend the business meeting may also vote by registering their vote on each proposed amendment with the secretary immediately prior to the business meeting.
ARTICLE VI – Business Meeting
The order of the business meeting may include:
Opening prayer
Family Line attendance recognition
Minutes from previous business meeting
Reports of Officers
Financial Committee Report
Reports of other Committees
New or unfinished business
Election of officers and/or Committee Members
Closing Prayer
The Original Constitution and Bylaws were approved at the Annual Meeting of the Association on May 27, 1950.
Updated June 19, 2021.